QNV 2030 - Social Development sector
My group and I have been working together over the past few weeks on the Qatar National Vision (QNV) 2030, specifically the Social Development sector. So what is the Social Development sector all about? Basically, it is concerned with protecting citizens' rights and also supporting women's 👩 role in society. For example, one of the aims is to provide equal educational and career opportunities to all Qatari citizens. Moreover, the QNV 2030 sets a goal for Qatar to have an increased role both in the Middle East and internationally. The first branch of the Social Development sector is Social Care🏥 and Protection👮. This branch includes an aim to create strong families 👪 and ensure that citizens have an adequate salary. The second branch is a Sound Social Structure. One of the main goals within this branch is to preserve the Arab, Muslim, and Qatari culture and values. It also strives to provide excellent services to both people and businesses and to create a society with a strong justice system 👌. Another important goal within the second branch is to support women in having more decision-making roles. The final branch of the Social Development sector aims to increase Qatar's role “economically, politically and culturally” within the GCC and beyond. Here, the QNV 2030 states that one of the ways to increase Qatar's role includes providing developmental and humanitarian assistance.
In the presentation that our group did, the point that I focused on was Qatar's contribution to international humanitarian assistance 👤🏥. I discovered that Qatar has been helping extensively with the Yemeni Crisis. Previously, Qatar had been working with the other GCC countries to help Yemen. The blockade⛔, of course, made this more difficult, but Qatar was able to overcome this challenge by forming new partnerships with non-GCC organizations. Currently, Qatar is working hand-in-hand with the United Nations to fight the intense outbreak of cholera in Yemen. Cholera is a really dangerous disease 😷 that can kill someone within hours! if left untreated, which is why Qatar is trying to assist Yemen as quickly and efficiently as possible. Qatar has been providing both medical 🏥 and financial 💰 assistance to the Yemenis to help fight the disease. I’m really proud to be part of such an ambitious country 💜, which never lets anything stand in the way of its goals and overcomes all the obstacles it faces.
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